Download membership form

Membership is open to all. There is no waiting list. For the ten lectures from October 2024 to July 2025, an individual subscription is £60, joint (x2 at the same address) £110, and £12 p.a. for students. There are no activities in August or September. Lectures can be attended in person at the Sixth Form Centre at JAGS or on Zoom - a link is sent with the monthly lecture reminder. Visits, walks and other events are charged separately. 

Guests/visitors are welcome at £10 cash or card per lecture, or £2 for students, payable at the door. No booking required.

Being a member of The Arts Society Dulwich automatically confers membership of our parent organisation The Arts Society (formerly NADFAS). Members receive a glossy art magazine three times a year and if they have registered with The Arts Society, monthly emails with items of interest. Members and non-members are welcome to attend The Arts Society Greater London Area study days in central London, details of which are listed in the magazine and on our Study Days page.

The programme for the new season is emailed to members early in September. We encourage members to receive our communications by email, as postage is a considerable drain on our resources. Contact Christine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the mailing or call 020 8761 0895.

Membership may also be bought as a gift; contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please pay membership fees directly into our bank account. If you cannot, send a cheque made out to The Arts Society Dulwich with your membership form (details and address are on the form).

     Business account name: The Arts Society Dulwich
     Sort code:
     Account no: 20268097
     Reference: MembFee2425

A reducing scale of fees operates for those who join later in the season:

Month of joining Reduced membership fee
February £45 single/£90 joint
March £40 single/£80 joint
April £35 single/£70 joint
May, June, July £6 per lecture if you pay next season's fee at the same time